• Would you like to know which nutrients sensitize cancer cells to the killing effects of radiation?

  • Did you know your protein requirement can double during treatment and that eating enough protein can help protect your blood counts?

  • Can you name the popular beverage that's been documented in several published studies to inhibit tumor cells from repairing radiation-induced damage to their DNA? (Nope, it's not green tea.)

  • Do you know which supplements are contraindicated with your treatment? What about antioxidants? Does published research prove they interfere?

If you’re like most people facing cancer treatment, you’ve been spending a lot of time searching for answers.

Maybe you’re looking for us?

Jeanne M. Wallace, PhD, CNC, is widely regarded as an international expert in cancer nutrition with more than 25 years experience working with cancer patients, helping them complement their cancer care. She has wisely translated thousands of published studies on the anti-cancer effects of specific foods, nutrients, botanicals, and lifestyle strategies into evidence-based protocols. She pioneered the Oncometabolic Approach and the use of biomarker testing to personalize each clients plan to their specific biochemistry more than 20 years ago.   

Mana Washio, MS is an established and highly skilled coach who helps our clients implement their plan. She is a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner, and a cancer survivor. 

No one deserves to suffer through 6 weeks of daily radiation treatments only to discover afterward that the treatment didn't work to its full potential. 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to carve 1-2 hours out of this chaotic, stressful time in the wake of your cancer diagnosis, and dedicate it to learning 5 simple evidence-based steps that can make your cancer cells profoundly vulnerable to the killing effects of radiation, while building a protective shield around your healthy cells and lessening your risk of side effects and long-term toxicity.  So you can feel confident you're doing everything in your power to heal and empowered to achieve the best possible response to your treatments.

Let renowned cancer-nutrition authority Jeanne M. Wallace, PhD, teach you how to maximize your cancer therapy with nourishing foods, nutrients, herbs, and lifestyle strategies that complement your medical care. Leave behind the feeling of chance and enter your treatments feeling PREPARED.

Who can benefit from this program? You know there's no "Magic Bullet" cure for cancer and you're looking for a deeper answer that incorporates a full cocktail of options to target the many angles of this multi-faceted disease. You understand that medical therapies are just one part of the picture and need to be supplemented with steps to heal the whole person. You believe you can heal. You trust your inner wisdom to guide you.

What types of radiation treatments does it cover? This program can be used to complement all types of radiation treatments: standard radiation therapy, Gamma knife, bradytherapy (implanted radioactive seeds) and Proton or Boron-Neutron Capture therapies. It can be supportive whether your taking radiation alone, radiation combined with chemotherapy, or short-term course of radiation to alleviate pain (palliative radiation).

You'll have a slight advantage if you can begin 7-10 days before your treatments start, but will still be plenty helpful if you've already started your treatments.

This multi-media program—based on the acclaimed program Nutritional Solutions has offered thousands of clients since 1997. We help you get started quickly with:

Presentations Short (5-15 minute) beautiful visually-engaging presentations quickly and clearly teach you everything you need to know with Dr. Wallace's clear and concise teaching style. Never get lost in a presentation; you control when to advance to the next slide, or go back and review the previous slide.

Access to our Hotline (Mon-Thurs), so you can get immediate support for any side effects you may be experiencing, without waiting for an appointment.

Why our clients choose us? Simple. Dr. Wallace's 20+ years of research into the science of cancer nutrition and her clinical experience helping clients determine what aspects of the research are clinically applicable in their lives. Not to mention our amazing track record of helping thousands of clients throughout the U.S. and abroad get the best possible outcomes despite their diagnosis and doctor's prognosis. 

What's Included

Case Review: Jeanne's comprehensive evaluation of your health history, blood work and biomarker tests, and in-depth screening for clinically relevant Drug-Nutrient Interactions.

Your first 2 hours of consulting with Jeanne M Wallace, PhD, CNC, via phone, zoom, email, or hotline. 

Two hours of coaching sessions with Mana Washio, NCB-HWC, so you have the support and guidance you need to implement your plan.

A personalized Nutrition Support Planner summarizing the specific foods & diet strategies best suited to your needs, and the supplements you’ve chosen under our guidance. You’ll be able to select supplements based on your preferences (e.g., capsules vs chewables vs liquids or powders) and prioritize them to fit your budget. Your Planner gives very specific details on the dose, timing, duration and frequency, as well as suggestions for high-potency, professional-quality brands not available over the counter. A coupon gives you 15% off your first order.

Online companion materials: multimedia support with Dr. Wallace's translational research, worksheets, handouts, and references.

Companion Materials

  • 1

    WELCOME! Click HERE to get started...

  • 2

    STEP 1: Assessment Testing—What Are My Priorities?

  • 3

    STEP 2: Got Oxygen?

    • Banishing Hypoxia: The Key to Effective Treatment [10 min]

    • Are You Taking Iron Supplements? Stop! [5 min]

    • REPORT—How to Boost Oxygen Levels Around Tumor Cells [7 pages]

    • Ensuring Oxygen Reaches Its Destination [15 min]

    • REPORT—Deliver the Oxygen with Strategies to Boost Circulation [4 pages]

    • What If My Hemoglobin Levels Don't Go Up? [8 min]

  • 4

    STEP 3: Helping Those Rays Do Their Job!

    • REPORT—Strategies to Boost the Therapeutic Efficacy of Radiation [9 pages]

  • 5

    STEP 4: Protecting Healthy Tissues & Dealing with Side Effects

    • REPORT—Strategies to Protect Healthy Tissues [9 pages]

    • HANDOUT: Addressing Side Effects—FATIGUE

    • HANDOUT: Support for Eating Challenges

  • 6

    STEP 5: Antioxidants: Friend or Foe?

    • Antioxidants & Radiation: A New Understanding [20 min]

    • REPORT—Review of the Research on Antioxidants & Radiation [7 pages]

  • 7

    STEP 6: Putting It All Together—Building Your Plan

    • Interactive Supplement Plan Builder [30-45min]

    • HANDOUT: Contraindicated Supplements during Radiation

    • Your PLANNER, Supplement Sources & Coupons

    • Drug-Nutrient Interactions: What You Must Know

    • BONUS: Handbook of Dietary Supplements

  • 8

    TOOLBOX: Handouts, Recipes & References

    • HANDOUT: Targeted Food Choices to Maximize Radiation Therapy

    • [BONUS] Delivered to your Door: Healthy Meals & Groceries

    • RECIPES: In the Kitchen with Jeanne: Recipes to Complement Radiation

    • HANDOUT: Harnessing the Power of Mind-Body Approaches [2 pages]

    • REFERENCES [500+ published studies]

What Folks Say About Us

"Thanks to Jeanne and staff's guidance with the nutritional protocols that made it possible for me to work full time through 12 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. I learned so much that I'm still eating well.  :-D You do the world so much good! —Beth, Breast cancer, stage III

“Jeanne Wallace’s encyclopedic knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms that can feed or, to the contrary, greatly limit the spread of cancer impressed me when I heard her present her results at a conference organized by the National Institute of Health in 2001. As observed by researchers of the NIH, many of the patients Jeanne looked after – while they were receiving conventional medical treatment – survived far longer than originally predicted.  I have been following her advice myself since that time.  I am in her debt for many of the key ideas in my book, Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life – especially her scientific analysis of the different factors constituting the “terrain” and how to influence them with natural interventions. I probably also owe her to a large extent the good health that has enabled me to write, and to enjoy doing it.”
—David Servan-Schreiber, MD
Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life 

"I was diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the left submandibular salivary gland. After a complete resection of the tumor, I underwent neutron radiation for microscopic residual disease. At every stage of my treatment, medical professionals commented on my quick healing and low level of side effects. I did not have a single mouth sore and was able to continue to eat throughout the month-long treatment. I attribute this considerable lessening of side effects to the protocol developed by Dr. Wallace. She helped me be a cancer survivor, not another statistic." — Alison, Saliva (Parotid Gland) Head-and-Neck Cancer, Stage II

"Jeanne Wallace, Ph.D., is a veritable cornucopia of unrivalled knowledge regarding the irrefutable power of Nutritional Protocols, to support the immune system, and in making the human-body inhospitable to cancer. She is a national & international treasure in her specialty, and is renowned by the most respected cancer specialists anywhere, as a true intellect and source of great knowledge. Her deep translational research, and highly-successful work with challenging patient’s cancer issues, over many years, combine to create evidence-based wisdom that has helped thousands of people beat cancer, around the world, even when dealing with stage 4 and terminal cancer challenges. Personally, I know of many patients who are thriving many-many years after receiving terminal prognoses, who credit their unexpected and wonderful outcomes to Jeanne Wallace, and her customized, science-based approach. Her well-conceived programs, including her Radiation Support program, which I have reviewed, should bring great supportive-benefit to anyone who will receive radiation treatments. Her recommendations and conclusions are based on actual studies, clinical research, patient experience, and Jeanne’s keen-uncanny ability to synthesis complicated information into rational programs, that patients can readily assimilate and follow. Personally, If I was diagnosed with cancer, one of my very first phone calls would be to Jeanne’s office, to seek counsel from one of her team members, and/or to purchase her programs to help me through the often-challenging process of dealing with harsh cancer therapies. Finally, in my opinion, the wisdom and counsel offered by Jeanne Wallace and her team, is unparalleled in the world of nutritional and supplementation oncology.

Bottom line: Whether you are facing Radiation Therapy, or any cancer-fighting therapy, or any type of cancer, or stage of cancer, you should seriously consider contacting the folks at Nutritional Solutions to optimize your prospects of a successful outcome. It is imperative, in my opinion, that they should be considered an integral member of “the team,” to support your immune system, to fight cancer, and to bring about the best possible results!
Rick Shapiro, Author, Hope Never Dies, and Cancer Coach

"It was amazing to chat with you yesterday!  I came away feeling 100% validated and much more optimistic! I've learned SO MUCH and am incredibly grateful for your heartfelt support and understanding.  Knowing I have, at the very least, someone to answer my questions and to help address my concerns is very reassuring.  I no longer feel so alone nor isolated. I'm incredibly grateful for this entire team’s breadth of knowledge, experience, and compassion that now "has my back"!  I know there are many others out there trying to accomplish what you do, but you're head and shoulders above the rest and a true leader in this field.  Wow -- just wow!
So, here's to us working together for the next 20+ YEARS!!!  LOL!  Yes, I'm in this for the long run!  A stinking little ol' Stage-IV label is NOT going to stop me from being truly happy and enjoying life (and my retirement) to the max!
Nancy, Breast Cancer IV (ER+) survivor

"After being diagnosed with breast cancer and needing to begin chemotherapy before surgery, I knew I was in for a big journey and nutritional/supplemental support was going to be the key to my success. With good fortune, I was introduced to the dynamic duo at Nutritional  Solutions.  I was an active & healthy person before being diagnosed  with cancer, but even DURING and AFTER  chemo, 2 surgeries and 7 weeks of radiation,  I actually feel better, am healthier and stronger with more energy  than before.  A  huge source of comfort to me was my child NEVER saw her mom struggling with cancer, my daily life looked the same, just had to go to a few more medical appointments. I can’t thank you enough for making the worst 10 months of my life so bearable/manageable; I didn’t just exist during this treatment period, I THRIVED beautifully. —Jamie, Breast cancer ER+


5 star rating

beautifully organized and presented, making a complex and...

Diane Snow


includes all cancer treatments