This is our Oncometabolic Advantage program for clients with all types of Childhood Brain Tumors. An evidence-based approach—drawing on hundreds of published research studies—calibrated to your child's unique biochemistry. We show you how to employ a handful of lab tests to compare your child's terrain to the Biomarkers of Cancer Survival. Our Blood Work Decoder™ shows what's clinically relevant for YOUR CHILD, so you know which diet strategies and natural agents to prioritize. Best of all, repeat testing allows you to clearly see your progress in meeting your wellness goals!

This program serves the following brain tumor types

Anaplastic astrocytoma Medulloblastoma
Anaplastic glioma Mxyopapillary ependymoma
Angiocentric glioma Neurocytoma
Brain stem glioma (BSG) Neurofibroma
Craniopharyngioma NF1 brain tumors
Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) Oligodendroglioma
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) Optic nerve glioma
Ependymoma Pilocytic astrocytoma
Fibrillary astrocytoma Pilocytic glioma
Fibrillary glioma Pineoblastoma
Ganglioglioma Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA)
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM IV) Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET)
Gliomatosis cerebri Schwannoma
Hypothalamic astrocytoma Spinal tumors
Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (JPA) Subependymoma
Low-grade glioma Thalamic astrocytoma

Don't see your child's tumor type? Please call us.

If you’re like most families facing a brain tumor, you’ve been spending a lot of time searching for answers.

Maybe you’re looking for us?

Jeanne M. Wallace, PhD, CNC, is widely regarded as an international expert in cancer nutritionwith more than 25 years experience working with cancer patients, helping them complement their cancer care. She has wisely translated thousands of published studies on the anti-cancer effects of specific foods, nutrients, botanicals, and lifestyle strategies into evidence-based protocols. She pioneered the Oncometabolic Approach and the use of biomarker testing to personalize each clients plan to their specific biochemistry more than 20 years ago. While most well known for her work with brain tumors, Jeanne has experience working with all types of cancer.  

Mana Washio, MS is an established and highly skilled coach who helps our clients implement their plan. She is a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner, and a cancer survivor.  

In this Oncometabolic Advantage Program, you will:

  • Determine which "terrain" aspects in your child's body are favorable and which may be detrimental

  • Discover how your family's current diet is supporting a healthy terrain and pinpoint areas that could be adjusted to give you a robust advantage

  • Set personal Oncometabolic wellness goals

  • Leverage your child's biomarker test results to craft a personalized, evidence-based plan that covers: specific foods and spices, eating strategies, herbs, supplements and self-care practices.

  • Participate in comprehensive screening for clinically relevant drug-nutrient-herb interactions

  • Track lab work over time to monitor the efficacy of the nutritional plan and make adjustments as needed

What's Included

Case Review: Jeanne's comprehensive evaluation of your child's health history, blood work and biomarker tests, and in-depth screening for clinically relevant Drug-Nutrient Interactions.

Your first 120 minutes of consulting with Jeanne M Wallace, PhD, CNC, via phone, zoom, email, or hotline. Follow-up consulting after this is $300/hr, billed in 5-minute increments with a quarter-hour minimum. 

A personalized Nutrition Support Planner summarizing the specific foods & diet strategies best suited to your child's needs, and the supplements you’ve chosen under our guidance. You’ll be able to select supplements based on your preferences (e.g., capsules vs chewables vs liquids or powders) and prioritize them to fit your budget. Your Planner gives very specific details on the dose, timing, duration and frequency, as well as order codes for high-potency, professional-quality supplements not available over the counter [and a coupon gives you 15% off your first order].

Online companion materials: multimedia support with Dr. Wallace's translational research, worksheets, handouts, and references.

Compansion Materials

What Folks Say About Us

"In her outstanding work, Jeanne Wallace exemplifies the wise translation of nutritional research into clinical treatments for cancer patients. Based on hard science, her nutrition protocols, which work together with conventional therapies, represent the best of complementary medicine for cancer. Dr. Wallace has documented the remarkable benefits to her clients, who also benefit from her compassionate care."
Henry Dreher
Author of The Immune Power Personality
and coauthor of Healing Mind, Healthy Woman

“Jeanne Wallace’s encyclopedic knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms that can feed or, to the contrary, greatly limit the spread of cancer impressed me when I heard her present her results at a conference organized by the National Institute of Health in 2001. As observed by researchers of the NIH, many of the patients Jeanne looked after – while they were receiving conventional medical treatment – survived far longer than originally predicted.  I have been following her advice myself since that time.  I am in her debt for many of the key ideas in my book, Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life – especially her scientific analysis of the different factors constituting the “terrain” and how to influence them with natural interventions. I probably also owe her to a large extent the good health that has enabled me to write, and to enjoy doing it.”
David Servan-Schreiber, MD
Author Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life and 19-yr brain tumor survivor

"Jeanne Wallace, Ph.D., is a veritable cornucopia of unrivalled knowledge regarding the irrefutable power of Nutritional Protocols, to support the immune system, and in making the human-body inhospitable to cancer. She is a national & international treasure in her specialty, and is renowned by the most respected cancer specialists anywhere, as a true intellect and source of great knowledge. Her deep translational research, and highly-successful work with challenging patient’s cancer issues, over many years, combine to create evidence-based wisdom that has helped thousands of people beat cancer, around the world, even when dealing with stage 4 and terminal cancer challenges. Personally, I know of many patients who are thriving many-many years after receiving terminal prognoses, who credit their unexpected and wonderful outcomes to Jeanne Wallace, and her customized, science-based approach. Her well-conceived programs, including her Radiation Support program, which I have reviewed, should bring great supportive-benefit to anyone who will receive radiation treatments. Her recommendations and conclusions are based on actual studies, clinical research, patient experience, and Jeanne’s keen-uncanny ability to synthesis complicated information into rational programs, that patients can readily assimilate and follow. Personally, If I was diagnosed with cancer, one of my very first phone calls would be to Jeanne’s office, to seek counsel from one of her team members, and/or to purchase her programs to help me through the often-challenging process of dealing with harsh cancer therapies. Finally, in my opinion, the wisdom and counsel offered by Jeanne Wallace and her team, is unparalleled in the world of nutritional and supplementation oncology.

Bottom line: Whether you are facing Radiation Therapy, or any cancer-fighting therapy, or any type of cancer, or stage of cancer, you should seriously consider contacting the folks at Nutritional Solutions to optimize your prospects of a successful outcome. It is imperative, in my opinion, that they should be considered an integral member of “the team,” to support your immune system, to fight cancer, and to bring about the best possible results!
Rick Shapiro, Author, Hope Never Dies, and Cancer Coach

"Dr. Wallace is an immeasurable source of knowledge and information. Being a cancer caregiver herself, she has great insight into what we are all facing. I have been impressed by her intelligence, her knowledge of foods, nutrients and herbs, and her positive attitude."
Dennis Roth
Father of a son Brain Tumor

"Jeanne Wallace, PhD, has done pioneering work in the nutritional approach to cancer, particularly brain cancer. I have been very impressed by the results and have recommended her to many of our clients. They have been uniformly pleased."
Ralph Moss, PhD
Director of

"Jeanne Wallace is among a small handful of gifted practitioners who has succeeded in synthesizing the complex and wide volume of available research in the field of integrative care. Her work with brain cancer deserves further attention from the research community."
Keith I. Block, MD 
Medical Director, Block Center for Integrative Cancer Care,
Editor-In-Chief, Integrative Cancer Therapies

"Dr. Wallace is one of the most prominent practitioners of clinical nutritional oncology. She may be the nation's single most knowledgeable clinician in the area of treating patients with brain tumors with nutritional interventions." 

—Dr. Andrew Freinkel, MD
Stanford University Hosptial

"Whenever I hear of a person who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, the very first referral I make is to Dr. Jeanne Wallace. Her breadth and depth of knowledge of all of the best treatments - nutritional, traditional and investigational - coupled with her commitment to sharing that knowledge with her clients, make her the #1 practitioner in the area of brain tumors. While it was our neurosurgeon's skill that saved my husband's life 10 years ago, it is Dr. Wallace who gave him back his health."

Julia Schopick
Founder and wife of Timothy Fisher, Astrocytoma III survivor

"I believe every parent whose child is stricken with this disease can benefit significantly from what we have learned. As parents of a child with cancer, the choices we make for them concerning treatment options are probably the most difficult choices any of us will ever have to make as their consequences are so severe. Halfway through chemo, my wife went to a brain-tumor-camp in Maine at "Camp Sunshine" where a man told her about Dr Jeanne Wallace in Logan, Utah, who specializes in brain cancer nutrition. This person's enthusiasm for the progress he witnessed in his own child was so persuasive that we contacted her office. The information she has shared with us so far has been nothing short of miraculous.  Our daughter’s blood-counts were better than would be expected during chemo, she recovered from each round of chemo faster than normal, and her post-treatment health has been wonderful.  We are now working on a program to repair the damage done to the brain caused by the radiation.  We were under the popular opinion that radiation damage done to the brain is to be accepted as a necessary evil used to kill the cancer and that nothing can be done about it.  Well, according to Dr Wallace that is not the whole story; something CAN be done about it.  Before she began using the supplements that work to repair brain-damage, she was becoming increasingly slow of learning anything new. We have witnessed a significant improvement in her cognitive abilities and her overall health since beginning this program.
Joe, father of a 6-yr-old daughter with Medulloblastoma

"Nutrition is probably the single most important factor in fighting cancer, yet most Western medical doctors have virtually no training in nutrition.  If you want to have a real chance at beating cancer, getting the right nutrition advice is worth its weight in gold.  Fortunately, for brain cancer, we have the folks at Nutritional Solutions, who are world experts in the topic and very kind, compassionate people.  I attribute my sister's success so far in her battle with brain cancer (despite the gloomy death prognostications of the oncologist) in large part to Jeanne’s research and Michelle's ongoing advice and care."
—Sister of brain tumor client

"In August 2008 I was diagnosed with Epdendymoma II. I had to undergo a few surgeries and a series of radiotherapy treatment. But even after those the MRI showed remains of the tumor in my brain… Somewhere between the surgeries and the radiotherapy my caring sister found Nutritional Solutions. At first I was not too glad about the diet. It forbid lots of foods that I liked, but of course as a grownup man I understood that my health is more important than my love for sweets. I realized that it's a war—one side of the battlefield was me and on the other was that awful tumor...that I must gather all the a allies I can to defeat it - the traditional doctors and their treatment, the love and care of my family and friends, my endless optimism that I was blessed with since childhood… and last but not least your recommendations! At first my traditional doctors were very skeptical, but after observing my fast recovery by the MRI scans, they told me that I certainly should keep using it! Today almost 4 years after I am completely healthy! The MRI scans of the past 2 years show that there are no more evidence of active tumor cells! I have won the war, and by no small part - thanks to you, Jeanne Wallace!  
Lev, Ependymoma II brain tumor

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